Get the Facts About Dental Crowns in Bryan

Dental CrownsDental crowns can help restore both the functionality and appearance of a smile. At Rivers Family Dentistry, we understand that some people may be wondering what a dental crown is and how we place them on patient's teeth. While the internet can offer possible answers, certain sources may not have all the facts straight. Here are necessary and accurate facts about dental crowns.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a prosthetic device placed over a damaged tooth. Also known as a dental cap, or just a cap for short, the dental crown is one of the most powerful tools a dentist has in their tool belt. When a tooth is beyond traditional treatment methods, we can use the cap or dental crown to cover up the damage and save the tooth. While this may not sound incredibly exciting, the fact that we can prevent the spread of infection, minimize damage, and even help a tooth function like normal is a major win for dentists and their patients everywhere.

Who needs dental crowns?

This is a very important question because dental crowns are one of the most versatile tools a dentist has. Teeth that have severe damage can be excellent candidates for dental crowns. For example, a tooth that has decay can benefit from a dental crown. Similarly, teeth that experience some level of trauma can all use the restorative, strengthening, and protective covering of a dental crown.

When we cannot repair a tooth with a typical filling or runs too high of a risk of infection, we will look to dental crowns as a possible option. In other cases, the tooth may have been lost altogether, in which case, we can replace it with a dental crown in conjunction with a dental implant. Consisting of a variety of materials, dental crowns look and feel like a real tooth. A dental crown will fit in seamlessly with the rest of the teeth, leaving no trace that it is actually ceramic or porcelain.

What is the process for placing dental crowns?

We place dental crowns over the course of two separate appointments. The first appointment is where we measure the mouth, shave down the enamel to make way for the dental crowns, and create a perfect implant of the teeth. We will then send these measurements to the laboratory, which will manufacture a perfect set of dental crowns The patient will then leave the first visit with a set of temporary crowns. On the second visit, we will place the permanent crowns, ensure that they fit perfectly, and cement them in place.

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